I’m a product manager and a software engineer with 25 years of experience. During the day, I’m a part of the WonderProxy team. After hours, I’m available for hire to help your product or engineering teams with any problems you encounter, with a special focus on improving your automated test suite. See my offer.
Linkedin is not worth my time • • in Personal , Blog
Remote sudo password using 1password (or any other password manager) • • in Professional
Using your local password manager to authenticate with remote sudo over ssh
Building a secure API Token mechanism • • in Professional
Improving a system from just accepting a static secret value to really secure API token mechanisms can be hard
Turtle: the unit testing showcase • • in Professional , Testing
A demo project showcasing test suite organization, arrange/act/assert pattern, how to create and use test doubles, gherkin syntax for unit tests, and more
Automated testing • • in Professional , Testing
After you follow a few simple rules, automated testing poses no challenges. Here are some principles I follow to make my life easier.
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