maciej łebkowski
Maciej Łebkowski

Testing articles

  • Turtle: the unit testing showcase

    A demo project showcasing test suite organization, arrange/act/assert pattern, how to create and use test doubles, gherkin syntax for unit tests, and more
  • Automated testing

    After you follow a few simple rules, automated testing poses no challenges. Here are some principles I follow to make my life easier.
  • Unit tests code style

    How our unit tests for higher-order became more readable and maitnainable.
  • Query side effects

    A story about an exception to the rule stating not to set expectations about query-like methods dependencies
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This means that you may use it for commercial purposes, adapt upon it, but you need to release it under the same license. In any case you must give credit to the original author of the work (Maciej Łebkowski), including a URI to the work.